At the parking scenario, you have the option to configure additional parameters to define your parking area. You can configure the maximum capacity and the maximum parking time. On top, you have the option to set the current utilization in order to calibrate the parking area once in a while.
The parameters can be set and changed in the Configuration tab of the dashboard.
Consider that changing the current utilization will overwrite the current value.
Widget type options
In a Parking Scenario, the two standard widgets Current & Historic Parking Utilization will be automatically created for you.
For any widget, there will be a predefined filter which is filtering out the classes bicycle, motorbikes and persons in order to only consider vehicles needing a given parking spot.
You want to know and retrieve the current utilization of your parking area, the Current Parking Utilization widget will tell you with one click.
Just select the widget type Current Parking Utilization, name the widget and choose if it should be calculated via Single-/Multispace detection or Entry/Exit counting. This choice will depend on the use case you have installed and configured.
To see utilization trends of your parking area you can use the Historic Parking Utilization widget which tells you the capacity with the option to aggregate the data on given time periods.
There is the option to have the utilization calculated based on Single-/Multispace detection or Entry/Exit counting.
You can choose to display the average, minimum and maximum utilization of the chosen aggregation period. On top, you can choose between absolute or percentage figures.
The standard defined output is a line chart that you can change according to your needs.
You try to find out the frequency your parking users are entering or exiting the different entries and exits along your parking area, you can find that information by displaying an Entry Exit Frequency widget.
You can choose the different Entries or Exits you want to consider, and aggregate and segment the data as needed.
In the example below, you see how often vehicles are using the one location for entry and exit (CL direction) per day.
By using the ANPR feature, which can be enabled in the Scenario Configuration, the parking time of your parking users will be calculated.
The parking time will be shown as soon as the vehicle entered and exited your parking area. In case that the License plate will not be detected at either entry or exit, there will be no parking time calculated. (This is done in order to not falsify the statistics)
At this widget, the parking time is shown per license plate. As license plates are sensitive data, the parking time per license plate can only be displayed as long as you have considered the retention time for this sensitive data. For statistical information on parking time, please use the Historic Parking Utilization widget.
The output for this widget is a table with the standard columns License Plate and the Parking Time. If you want to have more information, can add data segmentation in order to show for example where the vehicle with the given license plate entered and exited or see a capture of the vehicle with the license plate of the entry and exit.
Please consider that ANPR can't be configured on old SWARM Perception Box P100. So, parking time widget will not retrieve any data in case you use a P100.
The Historic Parking Time widgets will show you the minimum, maximum or average parking time of your parking users by saving the parking time based on the License plates.
In case that the License plate will not be detected at either entry or exit, there will be no parking time calculated. (This is done in order to not falsify the statistics)
Compared to the parking time widget, the data will be available on a historic basis according to the data retention plan you have chosen for your SWARM Control Center. Any time a parking time is captured it will be added to the average, minimum and maximum calculation, this enables to have parking time information and trends without saving sensitive data for a longer time.
The standard defined output is a line chart that you can change according to your needs. On top, the data aggregation period can be changed.
Please consider that ANPR can't be configured on old SWARM Perception Box P100. So, parking time widget will not retrieve any data in case you use a P100.
Do you have parking users exceeding the maximum parking time of your parking area quite often?
You can start to automatize the enforcement process by using the SWARM solution, which will automatically tell you the License plates which exceeded the parking time. In order to have evidence, the SWARM software is taking a picture of the vehicle with the License plate and the timestamp the vehicle entered and exited the parking area.
You simply need to choose the Parking Time Violation widget and everything else will be done in the background for you based on the maximum parking time parameter you have set in the Dashboard Configuration tab.
You can preview the evidence picture by clicking on show. In order to download the information required for the enforcement process, you can export the table in csv format as well as export the Evidence pictures as a zip folder.
Please consider that ANPR can't be configured on old SWARM Perception Box P100. So, parking time widget will not retrieve any data in case you use a P100.
In order to display the occupancy of your configured Single- or Multispace parking, you can use the widget type Single / Multi Space Parking Occupancy.
You will see in a grid the occupancy level of each of your configured parking lots. In case you only want to display some dedicated parking spaces you can select these dedicated parking spaces (RoI).
The Data Analytics widgets "Journey Distributions" and "License Plates" allow segmenting by "License Plate Area"
Parking Time
Data Analytics Widget "Journey Time Distributions"