Set-up Barrierless Parking with ANPR

How to succeed in setting up an Entry/Exit parking system with ANPR

You have a parking space where you want to know your utilization and parking times of your customers, then you can use the SWARM solution as following.

What data can be generated?

For this use case, SWARM software is providing you with any relevant data for your Entry/Exit parking space. The solution is gathering the number of vehicles in your parking space as well as the number of vehicles entering and exiting your parking space for customizable time frames.

The vehicles are classified in any classes the SWARM software can detect. Nevertheless, consider that the following configuration set-up is optimized to detect vehicles and not people and bicycles.

Thanks to the License plate recognition, the parking duration of your customers will be analyzed. On top of the License plate information, license plate origin country as well as license plate area codes are available as meta information. The country codes are according to ISO 3166 Alpha 2 standard. The country classification is working with excellent accuracy of 99%.

What needs to be considered for a successful analysis?

Find below some general settings for the installation of this use case. As the automatic number plate reading needs some more detailed information you will find additional and more detailed information on how to set it up in the following page:

Set-up guide and recommendations - ANPR

Especially for Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) the camera choice and positioning are essential.

The requirements for accurate number plate recognition can be aligned with respective norms for the accurate operation of (human-based) surveillance systems.

The standards give a recommended pixel-per-meter measure (“pixels on target”), to reliably perform that task (by a human). The relevant category for clear reading of license plates/identification of a person “without a reasonable doubt” is “identify”. A Bullet camera is recommended.


Pixels per Meter (PPM)

Pixels Per Meter is a measurement used to define the amount of potential image detail that a camera offers at a given distance.

> 250 PPM

To clearly read a license plate, at least 250 PPM are required. Using the camera parameters defined below ensures to achieve the minimum required PPM value

Tip: Use the Axis lens calculator or generic lens calculator.


min. 1920×1080 (H264)

Focal Length

min 3.6-8 mm motorized adjustable focal length recommended


Distance and height of installation

Note: setting correct distance to license plate and camera mounting height should result in the correct vertical angle to license plate Horizontal angle to license plate

Exposure / Shutter speed

max. 1/250 for objects not moving faster than 40 km/h

Possible Camera for this use case



Bullet Camera


Motorized varifocal lens

Environment requirements

European countries

Licence plate types

‘standard’ car license plates (520 by 120/110 mm)

Note: square two line license plates (e.g. motorbike) are not supported

Object velocity

< 40km/h with low-light conditions

Area of focus

Single lane when camera mounted on the side; Two lanes when mounted above the center of both lanes


Daytime or well illuminated only (min 500 lux)


Indoor & Outdoor

Expected Accuracy (Counting + License Plate)

(when all environmental, hardware and camera requirements met)

>90% Only vehicles are considered. For parking spaces people, bicycles and motorbikes are not part of our test scenarios as they don't occupy parking spaces.

Hardware specification

The License plate recognition is not supported on the P100 SWARM Perception boxes. So for this use-case, the P401, P101 SWARM Perception box, or a VPX deployment option with NVIDIA-based hardware is needed.

Last updated