Scenario Configuration

Configure your scenario according to your covered use cases

Now, as you see your camera, you have the option to configure it. This is where the magic happens!

As SWARM software is mostly used in dedicated use cases, you can find all information for a perfect set-up in our Use Cases for Traffic Insights, Parking Insights and Advanced Traffic Insights.

In the configuration, you can select the best model for your use case as well as configure any combination of different event triggers and additional features to mirror your own use case.

Event Triggers

Each event trigger will generate a unique ID in the background. In order for you to keep track of all your configured types, you are able to give it a custom name on the left side panel of the configuration screen. --> This name is then used for choosing the right data in Data Analytics.

Please find the abbreviation and explanation of each event type below.

Event Types

We provide templates for the three different areas in order to have everything set for your use case.

  • Parking events --> Templates for any use case for Parking monitoring

  • Traffic events --> Templates for use cases around Traffic Monitoring and Traffic Safety.

  • People events --> Templates for using the People Full Body or People Head model.

This will support you to easier configure your scene with the corresponding available settings. You can find the description of the available Event Triggers and the individual available Trigger Settings below.

Event Triggers Details

Counting Lines will trigger a count as soon as the center of an object crosses the line. While configuring a CL you should consider the perspective of the camera and keep in mind that the center of the object will trigger the count.

The CL is logging as well the direction the object crossed the line in IN and OUT. You may toggle IN and OUT at any time to change the direction according to your needs. On top a custom name for IN and OUT direction can be configured. The custom name for direction can then be used as segmentation in Data Analytics and is part of the event output.

Per default, a CL only counts objects once. In case each crossing should be counted there is an option to enable events for repeated CL crossings. The only limitation taken there is that only counts will be taken into consideration if they are 5 seconds apart from each other.

Available Trigger Settings: ANPR, Speed Estimation, Events for repeated CL crossing

You can enable the Speed Estimates feature as a specific trigger setting with a Counting Line in the left side bar. This action will add one additional line that can be used to configure the distance between in your scenario. For best results, use a straight distance without bendings.

Global Settings

You can enable the ANPR feature with a Counting Line, which will add the license plate of vehicles as an additional parameter to the generated events. When enabling the ANPR feature, please consider your local data privacy laws and regulations, as number plates are sensitive information.

The Image Retention Time can be manually set. After this time, any number plate raw information as well as screen captures will be deleted.

Please consider our Use Case specification to properly use this feature. The feature is especially available for Barrierless Parking Use Case.

Configuration of the Event Triggers

To create your own solution, select a model for your solution and then place your type (or select raw tracks mode).

When a type is active, left-click and hold the white circles to move the single corner points. You can create any tetragon (four-sided polygon). To move the entire type, left-click and hold anywhere on the type.

Last updated