P101 - Perception Box

Quick Start Guide

P101 diagram

P101 Exterior Diagram
Equipment Required
  • SWARM Perception Box P101

  • Power Adapter (Barrel Jack)

Optionally included in SWARM delivery or internally sourced:

  • 1x RTSP camera (powered via PoE or power cable)

  • 1x PoE Switch/Router with DHCP service or external power for the camera

  • 1-2x Ethernet cables (cat5e or higher)

Step 1: Mount the P101

Your P101 and camera should be mounted based on the criteria of your specific use case:

Step 2: Connect P101 to power

Connect the P101 to power using the barrel jack power adapter.

Step 3: Connect P101 and camera to your network
  1. Connect the P101 to the PoE Switch/network via ethernet cable.

  2. Connect the RTSP camera to the same PoE Switch/network via ethernet cable.

  3. Ensure network requirements are met.

Step 4: Check if the P101 is online

Once the P101 is connected to power and network with internet connectivity, the Perception Box should be online in your SWARM Control Center.

This may take a few minutes for the first installation.

Step 5: Incoming camera connection

Please input the required camera configuration in the 'Camera Connection' section in your SWARM Control Center.

Step 6: Outgoing MQTT connection

Please choose the required MQTT connection in your SWARM Control Center. You can choose between data analytics and custom MQTT connection.

Advanced Support

Ensure the Network Requirements are followed.

To understand the status of a camera within the SWARM Control Center, refer to the Camera & Device Monitoring documentation.

If you have followed all the instructions above and the P101 is not online in the SWARM Control Center, or if you need to set a static IP configuration for the ethernet interface, please contact us via the SWARM Support Center.

Once Step 6 is complete, return to the Getting Set-Up page to continue with Device Configuration.

P101, P401 or OP101

Last updated