Device Health

The healthiness of your device at a glance

The device health metrics allow you to provide evidence for reliable and continuous data collection and to self-diagnose common problems (e.g. stable network connectivity/power supply/camera connection/processing speed,... )

Basic Metrics

  • Device Uptime

    • See the time, this device has been up and running until now.

  • Device Status and Device Restarts

    • Gives an overview of the status and potential restarts of the device

  • Device Free Disk Space

    • In order, for the disk space of your device to be running full, you can see this as an early indicator here.

Basic Device Health Metrics

Advanced Metrics

  • Device Temperature

    • Supported for: P101/OP101/Jetson Nano

    • If the device is running at a high temperature (depending on specifications defined by the manufacturer) we will state a warning here. The temperature could impact the performance (throttle processing performance).

  • Modem Traffic, Signal Strength and Reconnects

    • supported for OP100/OP10

Advances Device Health Metrics

Camera Metrics

  • Camera status

    • Gives an overview of the status per camera stream

  • Camera processing speed

    • In case the fps are dropping, there might be a potential problem with the camera occurring, or the device is getting too hot.

  • Generated and Pending Events

Camera related Health Metrics

In case any Device Health Metric is not showing the expected values, please follow our Troubleshooting Guidelines.

Last updated